Jamaal Fields-Green
This week, we’re welcoming Jamaal Fields-Green to The Couch. Having just begun is reign as the King of Pop in London’s production of MJ the Musical, Jamaal is the only actor to have played MJ on Broadway, on tour, and now in the West End.
Going straight from school to the National Tour of Hamilton isn’t a small feat (but I think we’d all agree that muddling your lines when the Director is in the house isn’t ideal).
Jamaal so eloquently reminds us that social media often makes life feel short sighted, and that we need each other, in person, to grow. Read our full interview below.
What do you consider to be your best asset?
I’d like to think my heart and willingness to follow it.
What was your proudest moment?
It’s hard for me to think on one specific moment because I’m proud of a lot in my life’s I’ve overcome a lot. And I like to think the best is yet to come. But I’d say hitting the stage of for the first time in every new show I do. Or every new set I walk on. They serve as constant reminders as to where I’ve been, what I’ve done to get where I’m at, and the potential for what’s to come.
What is your favorite drink?
Shirley temple hands down!
What is your favorite food?
I’m a big foodie, but shrimp (or at least anything with it) is usually my go to.
What is your favorite condiment?
Ketchup! But I’m more of a spice guy! I love, love, love, love, LOVE spices.
What is your current obsession?
Lord of the rings. It’s one of my favorite trilogies of all time. I rewatch it at least twice a year. And currently, I’m in the middle of the fellowship of the ring!
If you could give up one of your vices, what would it be?
Pride. I think everyone needs a certain amount of confidence. But too much results to ego. And I fully believe ego is the root to failure in everything.
What is the one professional accomplishment you long for most?
I guess EGOT. But not just on the service level of the accolades and awards. I want to give in all aspects of the entertainment industry and more importantly, my artistry. I feel there are many sides of myself: the actor, the singer/performer, the writer, the director. People like to ask me what I like to do the most. And it’s all of them. I love giving myself to each facet of my art. So I’d like to achieve success in all fields. Really just to leave my stamp on the industry and the world long after I’m gone.
What is the one thing you waste too much money on?
Food? If there ever is such a thing.
What is the one activity you waste too much time doing?
I can’t think of anything but my fiancé would say gaming.
What do you consider to be the single greatest threat to your health?
Complacency. The lack of constantly seeking ways to give my body and mind what it needs to thrive and grow. That and being in spaces that don’t serve me in any way shape or form.
What’s the single best trait you inherited or learned from your parents?
Resilience. My mother was handed a lot of challenges in her life that she overcame by sticking to the plan and vision she saw for me and her. That among many other great things I learned from her.
What’s the single worst trait you inherited or learned from your parents?
Over working. I love what I do and do what I love. Sometimes I can’t help but to just keep goin. But we all need to stop and just sit for a sec sometimes. But that’s very hard for me to do.
What in the world most thrills you?
The opportunity to be better today then than the day before. To explore and see more of the world and know more about it and the universe around me. Everyday is a gift.
What current trend in popular culture most irritates you?
Social media and all the negativity it gives life to. How we are so short sighted on understanding each other. We need each other. And that feels like we grow further and further away from that idea as the years go. I want us to reverse that.
What was the most embarrassing moment you’ve ever experienced on the job?
Hamilton was my first gig out of school. I was so excited and wanted to prove myself. One day Thomas Kail, was coming to see the show and I butchered one of my first lines. He came in and joked about it with me during intermission. I was definitely nervous in the moment when it happened but it’s live theater. Things happen sometimes. Never happened again though!
What is your favorite place in the world?
Anywhere with my loved ones.
What is the most important trait you seek in a romantic partner?
The ability to listen and communicate. Nothing more important than that! (Thank you Amber :* )
Do you prefer the company of dogs or cats?
I’m a dog person through and through. But my family had a cat and I was really close with her. I love animals overall though.
What would have to happen to make today the best day of your life?
There’s so many things I could say. I honestly couldn’t tell you. The first few things that come to mind though are: seeing a movie, eating great food, taking a great nap, making a great sing/visual, having a great workout, taking a nice warm shower with a lot of space, getting some fresh air, laughing, peace.
What is your personal motto?
I know where I’ve been, I know where I’m going right now, I know where I want to be.