Lindsay Mendez
What do you consider to be your best asset?
I’d say my best asset is listening. I love to engage and listen to people …actively and fully…both in my work and in my personal life.
What was your proudest moment?
My proudest moment was the opening night of Carousel. This was SUCH a labor of love and passion, and I was SO proud to be on that stage with such an incredible group of performers.
What is your favorite drink?
A Manhattan.
What is your favorite food?
French Fries.
What is your favorite condiment?
Russian Dressing.
What is your current obsession?
The Marco Polo app.
If you could give up one of your vices, what would it be?
I guess the food network…ugh…would be hard. I LOVE INA!
What is the one professional accomplishment you long for most?
I’d LOVE to do a European tour…perform in London, Paris, Germany, and Italy!
What is the one thing you waste too much money on?
What is the one activity you waste too much time doing?
The Marco Polo app.
What do you consider to be the single greatest threat to your health?
Lack of sleep.
What is the single best trait you inherited or learned from your parents?
Be kind to EVERYONE.
What is the single worst trait you inherited or learned from your parents?
To make “soft” plans with people…and then get in trouble when you have to follow through.
What in the world most thrills you?
LIVE music!
What current trend in popular culture most irritates you?
What was the single most embarrassing moment you’ve ever experienced on the job?
Cracking BIG TIME during a song…oh boy.
What is your favorite place in the world?
What is the most important trait you seek in a romantic partner?
Do you prefer the company of dogs or cats?
Dogs all the way.
What would have to happen to make today the best day of your life?
I’d need to wake up in Italy, in the middle of an amazing vineyard, with my husband, and spend our day under the Tuscan sun eating meats and cheeses and drinking wine.
What is your personal motto?