Every day is opening night.

“Lonely Town”

Ladies and gents,

I always feel a little bipolar this time of year, when a blissful chill sweeps the city streets and the nights draw in.  I find it the most invigorating time to be in New York, and yet it always makes me a bit melancholic.  As the city cools down, social calendars heat up.

If you’re looking for an excuse to open a bottle of something today, it’s my dear friend F. Murray Abraham’s birthday.  I usually find Scorpios exhausting, but Murray is one of the great pleasures in my life.  He’s back on the boards in It’s Only A Play, and if I know Murray, hearing the audience laughing will be the best present he could hope for.  So I won’t be sending anything.

Monday nights are always jam packed, and I usually have to flit from one event to another.  But this Monday I’ve cleared the schedule so I can relish just one, very special happening.  Legendary civil and gay rights activist David Mixner will be premiering his new autobiographical solo show, Oh, Hell No!, in a benefit performance for Point Foundation.  I’m told Mixner has shaped the show without a script, preferring to weave his tales in the grand tradition of southern storytelling, front-porch-style.   As anyone who has ever met David, or eavesdropped on his regular table at Glass House Tavern, knows, the man is entertaining.  But even if you know him well, or have read his stirring autobiography, Stranger Among Friends, Oh, Hell No! will still surprise you.  I’m told there are never-before-discussed revelations throughout.  Oh, but don’t bother trying to score a ticket; it’s long sold out.  But fret not, dear readers – I have a feeling this won’t be the last performance of Oh, Hell No! 

Tidbits from around town…

Spotted Joel Grey dining at The Modern whilst Cabaret played downstairs to a packed crowd at MoMA’s screening room.

Overheard Jenna Elfman humming the tune of “I’ve Decided to Marry You” from A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder, but a press rep for the production couldn’t confirm that she had attended the show.

Saw Artie Lange leaving 30 Rockefeller Center looking happy and healthy.

As always, a toast of something sparkling to you and yours!

