Susan Brown
What do you consider to be your best asset?
What was your proudest moment?
My wedding day.
What is your favorite drink?
Really good red wine.
What is your favorite food?
I love roast chicken — but almost anything as long as it isn’t too salty.
What is your favorite condiment?
Black pepper, cilantro, Heinz tomato ketchup.
What is your current obsession?
Angels in America.
If you could give up one of your vices, what would it be?
I’ve given up smoking – that’s enough.
What is the one professional accomplishment you long for most?
To feel completely satisfied with myself at the end of a performance. It’ll never happen.
What is the one thing you waste too much money on?
Supplements and face creams, but I’m hoping it isn’t a waste.
What is the one activity you waste too much time doing?
Sudoku and cryptic crosswords.
What do you consider to be the single greatest threat to your health?
What is the single best trait you inherited or learned from your parents?
Never to owe money.
What is the single worst trait you inherited or learned from your parents?
Never to owe money.
What in the world most thrills you?
Setting off on an extended journey on our fantastically beautiful narrowboat around the rivers and canals of England.
There are over 2000 miles of inland waterways and travel speed is 4 miles an hour. Magic. It’s my hinterland.
What current trend in popular culture most irritates you?
Abbreviated txting.
What was the single most embarrassing moment you’ve ever experienced on the job?
Years ago — making my first entrance as Gwendoline in The Importance Of Being Earnest with a pair of pantyhose
hanging off one of the spokes of my parasol.
What is your favorite place in the world?
The Upper River Thames between Oxford and Lechlade.
What is the most important trait you seek in a romantic partner?
Unconditional love. I’ve got it.
Do you prefer the company of dogs or cats?
Really friendly dependent cats. Hard to find but I had one once for 18 years.
What would have to happen to make today the best day of your life?
Brexit would turn out to have been just a bad dream.
What is your personal motto?
Have the heart of a baby and the skin of a rhino.