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The Industry Standard Group

The Industry Standard Group

The Industry Standard Group is the first completely BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) commercial theatre investment and production organization, focusing on increasing the presence of BIPOC investors and producers in the field.

The founding members, who are breaking new ground by expanding the access the opportunities granted to BIPOC communities within the industry, are Rashad V. Chambers, Miranda Gohh, Adam Hyndman, Toni R. Isreal, Rob Laqui, Sammy Lopez, Ronee Penoi, and Cynthia J. Tong.

As the first of its kind, The Industry Standard Group’s (TISG) mission is to give existing and potential BIPOC investors, producers, artists and theater makers opportunities to participate in the financing and producing of projects, and to promote and invest in work that reflects the diversity of its membership. Therefore, fostering more equitable, diverse, and inclusionary representation in the commercial industry of the arts & entertainment.

The Industry Standard group believes that the current make-up of commercial producing and investment isn’t reflective of the diversity in projects being produced due to systemic denial to access. The group’s aim is to amplify their presence in major projects through various media, including Broadway and other commercial theater ventures.


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